Our Services

Mutual Fund

General/Life Insurance

Coorporate Fixed deposit

Gold ETF

Tax Planning

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are among the hottest favourites with all types of investors. Investing in mutual funds ranks among one of the preferred ways of creating wealth over the long term. In fact, mutual funds represent the hands-off approach to entering the equity market. There are a wide variety of mutual funds that are viable investment avenues to meet a wide variety of financial goals.

General/Life Insurance

"Today, you can insure everything!"
The role of HEALTH INSURANCE in every individual’s life is the most important one. Hospitalization costs are going up and up, and especially in metros it has become out of reach for common man. Hospitalizing and post-hospitalization care can eat out a major portion of your savings.For more details, please see Page No. 90 of our Wealth Creation Guide.

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Corporate Fixed Deposits

Many large public & private sector companies offer high interest rates on fixed deposits, for various periods starting from 1 year. Thirukochi recommends only highly rated companies' schemes to ensure safety of capital and better returns. For list of these companies, please see Page No. 165 of our Wealth Creation Guide.

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Gold Exchange Traded Funds

Gold Exchange Traded Funds are schemes offered by Mutual Fund Companies. GETF can be bought through stock exchanges, for which a demat account has to be opened with a share broker. For a very nominal brokerage, GETF can be bought or sold at the prevailing market rates. Minimum purchase is one unit, which will be equal to 1 gm gold. For more details, please see Page No. 68 of our Wealth Creation Guide.

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Tax Planning

Tax planning is not as difficult as it is believed to be. There are several provisions and schemes which can help you to save tax and build wealth. Basic information: Every individual whose annual income is Rs.1,60,000 or more is liable to file IT return. Last date for filing ITR is 31st July, and investments made between 1st March and 30th April of the Financial Year prior to the date of filing, are only considered (subject to the specified limits under various Sections), for deductions, subject to submission of proof.